Bernal Heights Hair Transplants

If you have ever visited San Francisco’s residential neighborhood of Bernal Heights, then you already know about its most prominent feature:  The Summit. This 480 foot high hill is home to a park that is rife with many species of flora and fauna. At the very top is a privately-owned microwave transmission tower, with the even more prominent Sutro Tower visible from the neighborhood below. And though it is mostly housing that makes up Bernal Heights, there is plenty of shopping and dining to be found along Cortland Avenue. Here you will also find a recently renovated local branch of the San Francisco Public Library.

Bernal Hill is a folded hill, created over millions of years by tectonic shifting. Our Bernal Heights hair transplant patients—along with all the rest—never have to wait that long for the amazing results that transpire after receiving a hair transplant. Most patients are right back to work on the very next day. Within just a few weeks they begin to notice new hair growth. After about a year, the recovery is complete.

Quiet, But Appealing

Due to its surrounding parks and all-around inclination toward things having to do with nature, Bernal Heights is best seen by day. You will find lots of friendly folks who are willing to share a chat. Atop its famous summit, you will also find a 360 degree panoramic view of the city by the bay. This is well worth the climb. The view is memorable, “grammable”, and just plain fun to talk about with friends later on.

Like many other San Francisco neighborhoods, Bernal Heights features a series of street slides hidden away along various public thoroughfares. Among the most popular is the one on Esmeralda Street. It is high and steep, and so much fun your kids will be begging for a turn while you just keep on screaming with delight.

A rather interesting—and unlikely—discovery awaits in Bernal Heights, in the form of its murals. Several large ones depicting different stories are painted all over the neighborhood. Find one at the library, and a few at Precita Park. The talent on display is remarkably high, the messages poignant.

Speaking of Precita Park, this is a three block long and one block wide place for play, picnicking, and letting the dog roam. The park is close to reliable sources of mass transit, and if you do not feel up to a picnic, has many close-by restaurants from which to choose.


Keeping You Relaxed With Professional Care

Our Bernal Heights patients tend to prefer the quiet life. That is no trouble at all so far as we are concerned. Although most hair transplant surgeries do take a number of hours, they are always stress-free. Many of our patients even use the time to squeeze in a nap. We perform surgery under local anesthesia (for the patient, not us!), which means you will feel little to no pain. Our techniques are the most modern to be found; indeed, some of them we have even pioneered ourselves, such as the Power Hairline and the Celebrity Hair Transplant. During an initial consultation you will find out everything we plan to do. You will also have every one of your questions about the procedure answered in clear, precise form.


How To Get Here From There

Our San Francisco clinic is just a ten minute drive south along Bayshore Boulevard and US-101. You will find us at 55 Francisco Street, Suite #705.

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration offers the most modern methods in the field for re-growing lost hair. If pattern baldness is making you or someone you know upset about confidence and self-image, get in touch with our clinic today. Call us via (415) 997-6126.