Businessmen and Their Hair
We all know celebrities are well documented hair transplant clients, but what about those of us who aren’t famous? In this series, we will highlight businessmen and women who have been supremely successful, in no small part due to their great hairlines.
First up is Rob Marcus, CEO of Time Warner.
Rob Marcus has served as Chief Executive Officer of Time Warner since 2014 after serving years as CEO of Time Warner Cable. At 48, Time Warner CEO Rob Marcus shows a very impressive hairline. In this professional portrait, one can see that he has little to no recession at the front or temples. Apart from a few fashionable strands of gray, his hair remains thick and dark. Hair quality is one of the most effective ways of cultivating a strong and healthy image, which is especially important when your position is to ensure the future of a successful company. Rob Marcus’s touch of grey, however, displays an effort to project both wisdom and vitality; two essential qualities that are most effective when paired together.