What is Wrong with Joe Biden’s Hair Transplant?

Mr. Joe Biden before and after hair transplant - Left: young Joe Biden with early male patterned baldness, Right: after hair transplant
Joe Biden before and after hair transplant: Left: young Joe Biden with early male patterned baldness. Right: Joe Biden post-hair transplant

Joe Biden Before And After Hair Transplant

Originally Posted November 4, Updated July 23, 2020

Joe Biden is no stranger to the public or to our blog. In November 2013, we discussed the issues with his famous “hair plugs” (see below). Now that Biden will be running against Donald Trump in the fall, his hair transplant (along with additional plastic surgery procedures) is often a topic of discussion and the subject deserves an update for fans of politics and celebrities.

Supply and Demand Mismatch of Hair

Several years ago, I had a conversation with a 31-year-old patient of mine that was insisting on having a hairline that was low and broad. During a close evaluation of his hair loss and hair transplant pattern, as well as a microscopic evaluation of his scalp, I noticed he had significant miniaturization throughout the top and crown area of his scalp. This was clearly a sign that he was heading towards Class VI or VII of hair loss which means he will eventually only have a rim of hair around the scalp.

I informed the patient that, when I design a hairline, I have to take the progress of hair loss over time into consideration. A good hairline is one that looks good now and will also continue to have a natural look when the person is in his 60s or 70s (unlike both Joe Biden and Donald Trump).

Hair Line Positioning

The hairline of Mr. Biden is an example I use when I have to plan for a higher hairline for younger adults. Many of these younger patients have hopes of achieving a lower hairline which is possible when there is no evidence of advanced hair loss.

When I see microscopic evidence of a future class of hair loss or a patient has a significant family history of high-grade baldness, I have to be more conservative in my approach in order to avoid any issues that can be seen in people with hair loss like Joe Biden.

Two problems with Mr. Biden's hair transplant - Right: Wide area of crown with no coverage - Left: Thin hair on a large area of top
Two problems with Joe Biden’s hair transplant: Left: Thin hair in a large area on top of the scalp. Right: Wide area of the crown with no coverage.

Joe Biden Hair Transplant Problem Areas

  • Poor design and poor long-term planning
  • Hairline that is too low for someone with advanced hair loss
  • Hairline that is too broad for this stage of hair loss
  • Lack of sufficient hair to restore the crown
  • Large balding area that needs more coverage
  • Not enough donor grafts to cover the crown

By keeping the hairline higher as well as creating the appearance of some corner recessions, a natural look is created for the hairline. This is helpful in the long run because, even if the patient loses the crown and has no intention of restoring it, a higher hairline usually goes hand in hand with a balding crown so there is not an unnatural look to the hairline.

He Won The Super Bowl – Can He Beat Hair Loss?

Tom Brady is still living a charmed life as an NFL quarterback. He moved from the New England Patriots to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and is in the NFL playoffs with another chance to go to the Super Bowl. After his last game, he stood on the field looking very much like a football player with an athletic build and a perfect head of hair. Tom Brady’s hair has been a subject of speculation for many years and starts with looked to be a loss in the battle against hair loss.

Did Tom Brady have a hair transplant

Tom Brady Hairline Issues

Looking at Tom Brady’s life from the outside, he seems to be living the good life:

  • A successful NFL career
  • Hot supermodel wife
  • Adoring fans

There have been a few stumbles along the way (Deflategate and Super Bowl losses) but, in general, Tom Brady has been very blessed in his life.

One area where Tom becomes more like us mere mortals is his hairline. Maybe that should be phrased “his lack of a hairline”. There has been some speculation for many years that Tom Brady has been losing his hair and has even undergone a hair transplant.  Neither Tom nor his wife have confirmed this news. However, there have been conflicting reports over the years about Tom Brady and his receding hairline.

Here are just some of the stories surrounding Tom’s head:

  1. The first sign that Tom was losing his hair was when he started to wear his ever present cap. Tom was seen wearing this pom pom hat on the field, in the locker room and even at press conferences. Some people might see the hat as nothing more than a fashion statement where he is supporting his team. Others view it as a sign that Brady was losing his hair and didn’t want that fact to become public knowledge.

Tom Brady Hair Loss

  1. Back in 2010, it was also reported that Brady’s car was seen outside the office of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates in Rhode Island. There is a theory that Tom was being a good guy and was just giving a friend a lift. There is also the likely explanation that he was consulting with the staff about his own hair. Did Tom get some work done that day or was he simply discussing his hair restoration options?
  2. Following the 2010 “Rhode Island incident”, as well as a 2008 visit to a hair restoration clinic, Tom Brady’s hair has gone through a number of styles over the years. His hairstyle has ranged from being close cut to a head full of long locks and even a period where Tom had a shaggy style. Tom’s hair has been a changing work of art. It has been reported that Tom had thinning hair on his scalp along with a bald spot that his wife was desperate to prevent from getting out of control. It has also been speculated that his wife made Tom Brady get hair plugs to stop his hair loss.

Unfortunately, all of the above stories, sightings and gossip are pure speculation. Tom’s father was bald so many experts feel that Brady is also worried about being bald at some point in the future. Until Brady himself decides that it is time to speak publicly on the matter, the truth behind Tom Brady’s ever-changing hairline will not be known by the public. Until then, fans of Tom Brady should enjoy the current look of Brady’s hair because it could just as easily look like the picture below without the help of experienced medical experts.

Hair loss Tom Brady

What’s So Funny about Going Bald?

In an extreme case of the pot calling the kettle black, comedian Larry David has stated that professional golfer Jordan Spieth is going to be “wildly bald”. Spieth is 22 years old and has already won two major tournaments this year (the Masters and the U.S. Open). David is the co-creator of “Seinfeld” and the creator and star of “Curb Your Enthusiasm”.  The two men have a few things in common.

larry david going baldSpieth is a professional golfer. David is not only an avid golfer but he is also a big fan of professional golf. Spieth has a rapidly receding hairline. David has already lost a good portion of his hair.

While David is a big fan of Spieth’s ability to handle himself on the golf course, he can’t wait to see how the young golf pro handles a different kind of pressure.  In the latest issue of Golf Digest, David says he is very interested in seeing how Spieth handles seeing all of his hair in the bathtub. David then makes a prediction that Jordan Spieth has only three or four years left before he is “wildly bald”.  How he reacts to the pressure of going bald is of great interest to Larry David. In fact, it sounds like Larry David can’t wait for the day Jordan Spieth loses all of his hair.

How did Spieth react to the comments of Larry David? The young golfer seems to have a good attitude and took it all in stride. In fact, he remarked that David’s comments were funny and there is nothing he can do about his impending hair loss.

We’d like to point out to Jordan Spieth that there is plenty he can do about his hair loss. He made $1.8 million dollars for winning the Masters and the same amount for winning the U.S. Open.  With that amount of money, Spieth can afford any hair transplant procedure he wants in the future.

Just remember Jordan…Your friends at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration are here for you.  Give us a call to set up your consultation appointment!

Do the Effects of Propecia Level Off After Three Years?


Good day Dr. Mohebi,

I hope everything is fine with you. I have a question about Propecia.  I have been taking it for few years now. I remember you mentioning in the past that Propecia effects level off after 3 years.

If this is the case, should I continue taking it ?

I look forward to your answer.



It is good to hear from you.

The effects don’t level off but, it’s important to note, you won’t continue seeing the initial effects that had been noticeable due to the initial enlargement of some of the miniaturized hairs. You have been making DHT all along but at a lower level as time passes.

At this point, it is still slowing down your hair loss. If you stop taking it, you will see a more aggressive loss of your native hair that is prone to balding.

A Look at The Psychology Of Hair Loss And Hair Transplants

One of the things men and women learn while growing up is a full head of hair is a symbol of power and strength.  The loss of that symbol of youth can have a devastating psychological impact on the identity and self-worth of a person.  Hair loss has and its consequences have been studied extensively and some of the reported psychological effects on male patients include:

  • Detrimental impact on their sex life
  • Affected career choices in men
  • Inability to stay competitive in the work place
  • Increased anxiety levels among younger men
  • A higher rate of depression in men with male patterned baldness (1)

While there have been published reports on the psychological impact of hair loss in both men and women, the corrective effect of hair restoration has not been studied until the last few years.  We have conducted a study to evaluate this.  Our motivation for this study came from our observations of the changes in patient’s behavior as well as their overall satisfaction after their hair transplant.

A Unique Study on the Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

In 2008, Drs. Parsa Mohebi and William Rassman conducted a study (2) to quantify the psycho-social impact of hair loss in men with typical male-patterned baldness.  The study criteria were based on a combination of prior studies as well as clinical observations that could be modified by a hair restoration procedure.

Psychology of Hair TransplantA group of patients were picked who have had a hair transplant in the past and they were surveyed the changes they experienced through a questionnaire.  The questionnaires featured queries about these eight criteria:

  • Level of happiness
  • Energy level
  • Youthful feeling
  • Feelings of anxiety
  • Self-Confidence
  • Feelings about the future
  • Impact of the procedure on their career
  • Impact of the procedure on their sex life.

The patients chosen for the study (200 men with male patterned baldness) had their first hair transplant between 1-3 years prior to the study.   Their participation was voluntary and their responses were permitted to be anonymous.

The Results of the Study

We discovered the patients had significant improvements in each of the criteria regardless of their age or their stage of baldness.  In fact, most patients showed a greater sense of well-being in their youthfulness, career, energy level, sex life and overall happiness.  They also felt improvement in their anxiety levels, self-confidence and outlook on their future. These studies confirm the significance of hair to people’s self-esteem

Hair Transplant = A Better Self Image

Natural looking results from today’s advanced hair transplant procedures can help prevent, and in some cases even reverse, many psychological problems associated with hair loss.  The more a person suffers from the effects of hair loss, the greater the positive effect of a transplant on their psychological well-being.

According to the study, patients with an active social life who experienced hair loss at an early age were more likely to suffer from anxiety and other negative effects.  Therefore we can easily assume that hair loss can lead to a negative impact of the future outlook and positive attitude of a person.  These negative feelings seem to reverse after a hair restoration procedure.

Although the response rate was not 100%, the results support the observations of hair restoration physicians and anecdotal evidence from patients. 

Final Thoughts on the Psychology of Hair Restoration

Those experiencing hair loss, but not feeling any negative effects from the loss, are less likely to have a hair transplant procedure.  However, most men and women suffering from hair loss find hair restoration to make a significant improvement in many aspects of their lives.  Whether they’re looking to improve their chances in the job market, seeking a more youthful appearance or simply searching for some greater measure of self-worth, hair restoration is an option that helps broaden both personal and professional horizons.

Since you’re looking at our website, you might already be inclined to have a procedure.  We would be happy to meet with you for a professional consultation appointment.

(1)    Alfonso, Mariola., et al. The psychosocial impact of hair loss among men: A multinational European study. Curr. Med. Res. Opin. 2005; 21:1829-36.

(2)    Mohebi, Parsa and Rassman, William R., Psychology of Hair Transplants, Hair Transplant Forum International, March/April 2008 (Vol. 18, Number 2, Pages 41 and 47), Los Angeles, California.

Lessening Social Anxiety about Your Transplant


hair transplant anxietyThere’s one area of my life that is more pronounced than my hair loss. It’s the amount of anxiety I suffer from on a daily basis. My anxiety levels increase greatly when I find myself in social situations surrounded by people chatting constantly. It’s very overwhelming to me trying to keep up with the various conversations.  I’m working towards getting a transplant but my anxiety about answering questions about the procedure is already growing.  Do you have any advice for my situation?


We conducted a study whose results were published as Psychology of Hair Transplant in Hair Transplant Forum Journal in 2008.  In this study, we noted that younger men with hair loss had a significant improvement in their anxiety after restoring their hair.  This improvement could be explained by the social anxiety these men endured on a regular basis due to their hair loss.

So you might in fact improve your anxiety by doing a hair transplant procedure and by taking care of your male patterned baldness.

One important fact to remember is the transplanted hair grows very slowly.  This means that people who see you on a regular basis won’t be able to detect the new hair growth.  It will not be difficult to hide the new hair except for the first few days/weeks.  During that time period, you might see some redness or scabbing from the newly transplanted hair in the recipient area.

The Mystery of LeBron James’ Changing Hairline

LeBron James is never far from the spotlight.  From being the first overall pick by Cleveland in the 2003 NBA Draft to his move to the Miami Heat (winning two NBA Championships) and his eventual return to Cleveland, James is known for his domination on the court.

One way LeBron is gaining attention off the court is the ongoing mystery of his hairline.  There has been speculation in the past year about whether or not James has received a hair transplant.

The Battle of Lebron’s Hairline

Left: Lebron James at NBA finals 2014, Right: Lebron James at Game One of NBA Finals 2015
Left: Lebron James at NBA finals 2014, Right: Lebron James at Game One of NBA Finals 2015

The first, and obvious, difference is how much higher his hairline is in the above photo.  A comparison of the two photos finds a much healthier hairline in the shot from last week.

To many NBA fans, another indication that James received a hair transplant is the absence of Lebron’s headband during games.

Even when LeBron James was a rookie, he often wore a headband while playing in a game.  As the years passed, the headband seemed to go higher and higher up his forehead to cover up his hair loss.

The back of Lebron’s head displaying a clear strip-harvest surgery scar
The back of Lebron’s head displaying a clear strip-harvest surgery scar

The Final Proof; The Smoking Gun; The Strip Scar!

One of the easiest ways to spot evidence of hair transplant surgery is a strip scar on the back of a person’s head.  While LeBron has never admitted to having strip-harvest surgery, the photo seems to be clear evidence of a procedure in his past.

New Confidence for King James?

The NBA Finals continue all this week.  Cleveland won Game 2 in overtime and one of the main reasons they won was thanks to the incredible efforts of LeBron James.  Now that he doesn’t have to focus on concealing his hairline, LeBron can focus on securing the first NBA title in the history of the city of Cleveland.






What Kind of Density Should I Expect After a Hair Transplant Procedure?


I have had a hair transplant and was really curious about the experiences of others.  After looking around online, I saw a set of photos from another patient who had almost the same number of grafts but his hair density after the transplant was much better than mine.

Is it normal to have a difference in hair density?  If so, why is that?


Before and After Hair Transplant (3102 Hair Grafts). One Surgery. Twelve Months Elapsed
Before and After Hair Transplant (3102 Hair Grafts). One Surgery. Twelve Months Elapsed

Although we utilize the most modern techniques available for hair restoration, it’s not unusual to see different results for different patients.  Assuming that the technique of hair transplant is exactly the same and every single hair grows after a hair transplant, there are other factors that can affect your after hair transplant results:

  • Hair shaft thickness – Hair shaft thickness is closely related to the final bulk and thickness of hair.  For example, if your hair diameter is twice as much as someone else then your hair cross section and produced volume is 4 times as much. That means 1000 grafts can produce what 4000 grafts can in the other person.
  • Hair to skin contrast – The less contrast, the better!  Blond hair on white skin appears much fuller than black hair. Why? Because similar colors create the illusion of fullness and your eyes cannot easily detect skin through hair as much.
  • Waviness of hair – Simply put, wavy or curly hair always creates more bulk than straight hair.  When your hair is curly, each hair curls on its own and provides the appearance of more volume.

So you cannot compare your results from a hair restoration with others who have received the same number of grafts.  The number of grafts is only one of the many elements that tell us what we have to expect after a hair transplant procedure