The Evolution of ARTAS
Many people are unsure about the role that robotics will play in the future of hair transplant procedures. Dr. Mohebi recently had a chance to discuss this fascinating topic with Spencer Kobren, the host of “The Bald Truth.” They discussed the evolution of the ARTAS robotic hair transplant system as well as Dr. Mohebi’s work with ARTAS. Dr. Mohebi shared his insights into the future of robotic FUE (r-FUE).
Is Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant the Future?
Beard to scalp hair transplants have become more common. Most of these are performed to correct male pattern baldness. Encouraged by our strategies and new findings on how to use facial hair, we have performed numerous beard to scalp hair transplants in the last two years with great results. But, the procedure may need to be performed more than once on many of these patients to ensure full coverage of the balding area. Luckily, a beard to scalp hair transplant can provide patients with a plentiful source of hair. This is especially important for men who don’t have sufficient donor hair due to low density or extensive balding areas that need coverage.
Why has beard to scalp transplant been on the rise?
One reason is because our improved understanding of the anatomy of the hair follicular units has furthered the dynamics involved in removing grafts individually. The other reason is that our techniques for extracting follicular units has developed, allowing us to refine the extraction methods from different parts of the body. Previously, extracting hair from the face and implanting it into the scalp was a daunting task that frequently ended with poor results. Now, because of the change in tactics and FUE devices, it is much less demanding to harvest hair from the skin of different parts of the body. Comparing those hairs from different parts of the body like the face, limbs, genitalia, and torso, has taught us that the facial hair is most like the hairs on the scalp. Beard hair has a life cycle, shaft thickness, and length of growth that is very similar to the scalp hair.
Our expanding knowledge of the tools used and the advanced strategies has also made it possible to use facial hair to restore balding regions on the scalp more efficient. In the past, the use of bigger punch sizes made for a bigger wound surface area that prompted healing problems such as, scar development and hypopigmentation of the skin. A deeper insertion of the punches used by older methods led to low-level transections of beard follicles. Low-level transection resulted in a higher number of ingrown hairs in the donor area of the face. Development of ingrown hairs is an extremely undesirable complication of a beard to scalp hair transplant, which previously restricted the utilization of facial hair for restoration of the balding region. Incision depth control and utilization of smaller punch sizes have lessened such complications, making beard hair an extraordinary source for hair restoration for many men.
Beard hair to scalp transplantation has its own limitations
There are men who can’t grow facial hair or have a very sparse beard. Some men are not allowed to shave or trim their facial hair due to social or religious reasons. Many men would like to keep the option to grow beard in the future. Extraction of facial hair for these individuals is still a possibility but, the donor area would be limited to the neck and beneath the mandibular line. Despite of the limited donor area in these individuals, extraction of hair from these zones can provide a decent number of suitable hairs that can restore a good portion of the balding area furthering weapons used in the restoration of hair on those suffering from hair loss.
Q&A: What do I need to do after an FUE transplant?
Hi, Dr. Mohebi!
I’m about to have an FUE transplant and I want to make sure I do everything right to maintain my results. Do I need to sleep differently, or buy special shampoos and brushes? Help!
Thanks so much for your question! Because FUE transplants are so much less invasive than traditional FUT strip procedures, the aftercare is much simpler. Different clinics have different procedures, but the general principles tend to be the same.
The first day after a transplant, we bring the patients back in for an evaluation and hair wash. We teach them the proper technique for washing their hair the first few days after the procedure, and we give them special shampoo and a sponge for the first two weeks following the surgery.
Patients do need to sleep semi-upright after their treatment. This reduces swelling faster and prevents the patient from accidentally touching their new hair at night.
Patients should definitely avoid strenuous exercise for the first few days following surgery, but should be fine to work out within the week. The only activities patients should really try to avoid are contact sports and anything that involves touching or rubbing the transplanted area.
Dr. Parsa Mohebi is a nationally ranked hair transplant surgeon located in Los Angeles, CA, and he is available to answer your questions. Are you concerned about hair loss? Would you like to know more about the hair transplant process? Submit your question to and follow us on Twitter and Tumblr!
Q&A: Does Hair Continue to Thin After Hair Transplant?
Hi, Doctor!
One thing I’ve always wondered is this: If someone has thinning hair (around the temples, for example), and has a hair transplant done, essentially getting back the hairline they lost, I’d imagine it would look great and natural at first. But, would the hair loss continue from the previous point? Like, you’d have great hair for an inch and then suddenly thinning parts? If this is the case, then how do doctors and patients prepare for this inevitability? I don’t want to get a transplant if it just means that I’m going to be losing my hair or having my hair stopping and starting strangely after the transplant point!
This is a very good question! The short answer is: yes, hair will continue to thin past the transplantation point.
Long answer: As this is something normal and natural, your hair transplant surgeon will do a microscopic evaluation before proceeding with the transplant. If there are signs that thinning will occur, the doctor will create what is called a “master plan” to proportionately transplant donor hair throughout the scalp. This may take multiple procedures to perform over varying lengths of time, but any good hair transplant doctor will be prepared for this possibility and will be able to help prevent it. Make sure to go to a good surgeon when you are ready for your transplant–any doctor worth his or her salt will know to prepare for future hair loss, and will be able to work with you to prevent it.
Dr. Parsa Mohebi is a nationally ranked hair transplant surgeon located in Los Angeles, CA, and he is available to answer your questions. Are you concerned about hair loss? Would you like to know more about the hair transplant process? Submit your question to and follow us on Twitter and Tumblr!
Introduction of ARTAS to Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration
In the last few years, we at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration have monitored the evolution of one of the newest hair restoration technologies available, Robotic Hair Restoration. The ARTAS system offers a machinery that facilitates the extraction of hair follicles individually and with accuracy from the patient’s scalp.”
ARTAS has made the extraction of FUE grafts automated, but up until recently the speed of which the device extracted these grafts could not match the speed of our manual extractions. Furthermore, the ARTAS was handicapped by the larger diameter of its punches when compared to manual methods. However, in keeping its promise to advance FUE extraction technology, ARTAS has recently updated their software and hardware, and multiplied their rotation speed from 800 RPMs to 3000 RPMs, improving the speed and efficiency of the procedure. They have also successfully reduced the size of the punches to 19 Gauge, which is close to the punches that we use in our manual FUE procedures.
These changes have tipped the balance on the scale between ARTAS and non-automated FUEs, making the ARTAS system competitive in comparison to our current, manual techniques. ARTAS can produce higher quality grafts in some areas of the scalp when compared to other methods of follicular unit extraction. That is why we have decided to add this innovative device to our arsenal here, at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration. We will be working on utilizing the ARTAS system and Robotic Hair Restoration techniques to add to the quality and efficiency of our FUE treatments. We will also be collaborating with ARTAS and other centers to fine-tune the process, making robotic hair transplant even more efficient in the future.
We believe that ARTAS will continue to make progress in the field of hair restoration and make hair transplant surgeries safer and more dynamic in the future.
Q & A: Hair Transplants for Younger Patients
Hey Doc.
Can I get your official thoughts on younger guys (Ages 19-26, but particularly guys in the 20s age range) getting hair transplants? That’s a question that comes up quite a bit and the general consensus seems to be to not get a hair transplant that young—that they should wait until they are at least in their late 20s or early 30s and their hairline has matured and the hair loss has stabilized. They also seem to recommend starting the prescription medication for hair loss at that age to hopefully help halt the hair loss. Is this something you agree with? What is your stance on a 20-year-old getting a hair transplant? Or does it really depend on many other variables?
It was the standard of care among hair transplant surgeons to wait until age 24 for a hair transplant. Before that, doctors could not be sure where their patients’ final stages of hair loss would end up. Today, we don’t follow such a restrictive guideline for a couple reasons:
1. We have better diagnostic tools today. We do microscopic evaluation (miniaturization study) that can tell us where people will be heading in the future and what their final stage of hair loss will be. As a result, we don’t have to wait until they look completely bald in order to know what their final hair loss stage will be.
2. We have better hair loss medications that can slow a patient’s receding hairline, even at an advanced age. The age limitation for hair restoration that we had 20 years ago no longer applies today.
We have performed studies on the psychology of hair loss and hair transplant, and, as a result, we know the worst age for being hit by the negative psychosocial effects of hair loss is in the early 20s. It doesn’t make much sense to wait until the person become obviously bald to treat his or her condition.
It is important for the surgeon to consider different aspects before committing to giving a hair transplant to a young patient. It is also crucial that, if there is any doubt about the future class of hair loss, the doctor should assume that the patient is going toward class VII and plan accordingly. This will prevent giving a very low hairline to someone who will be a class VII at some point during his life.
CONTEST: Win a Free Hair Transplant!
Every day, we talk to many different men and women suffering from hair loss—and every day, we hear the same thing: that they were terrified to come in for their transplant. But what were they so afraid of? Many cited the stigma associated with getting “work” done; others were simply struggling with misinformation. In talking to these patients, we at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration realized that there are so many people out there suffering from hair loss and not knowing that they can be helped. We’ve decided to do something about this.
We are offering a free hair transplant to a patient in need. The only requirement? That he or she lets us document the transplant experience on video. You will be a part of the definitive hair restoration video, demonstrating the procedure and its effects, and bringing the patient’s journey to light. We want to show not only how easy a hair transplant is, but how extraordinary the results can be. We’ve got an amazing film crew, an incredible staff, and a dream—all we need is you!
If interested in this amazing opportunity, please upload a video (no longer than five minutes) of yourself telling us why you think you are a good candidate for the free hair transplant, and what this procedure would mean to you. Video submissions will be accepted via our Facebook page until January 16, 2015, and the winner will be announced on January 23, 2015. We can’t wait to hear your stories.
Have you got a story you want us to hear? Submit your video now for the chance to win a free hair transplant!
Hair for the Holidays: Enjoy 10% Off at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration!
Patients looking to treat themselves this holiday season are in luck—Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is offering an incredible deal: 10% off of all FUE procedures scheduled by December 31! This limited-time offer is great for anyone interested in a thicker, fuller hairline—at a thinner price.
FUE—which stands for “Follicular Unit Extraction”—is an advanced type of hair restoration surgery that offers many advantages over traditional “strip” Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Unlike FUT, FUE does not leave a linear scar on the scalp, meaning patients will be able to wear their hair short without worrying about any unsightly scarring showing through. Additionally, FUE does not distort the growth angle of hair follicles, and is a less invasive procedure, so patients will need less time for recovery following the surgery. FUE creates a natural-looking hairline and attractive results.
To redeem this offer, mention it to our front desk staff when scheduling your appointment. This offer cannot be combined with other offers. This offer is valid until December 31, 2014. For more information about our holiday special or FUE itself, please call Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration at 888-302-8747 or email us at