Eyelash Transplant – Case Study

Eyelash Transplant

After Itinder Kaur, a resident of West London, fell on the street during a night out, she thought the eyelashes on her right eye were gone for good. Her accident occurred over five years ago. She fell into some gravel and was then accidentally dragged by a friend. The result was a scraping of her face and eyelashes. Five years after the accident, she was still unable to grow back roughly 25% of her right eyelashes.

FUE Eyelash Transplant

Thanks to some of the most recent advancements in hair transplant technology and medical techniques, Dr. Mohebi and Dr. Asim Shahmalak were able to help Itinder by restoring her eyelashes for good! Across the globe, there are only a few surgeons that are skilled enough to attempt an eyelash transplant and they include our very own Dr. Parsa Mohebi and world-renowned surgeon, Dr. Asim Shahmalak. These two skilled surgeons worked alongside each other as other hair transplant doctors from around the world watched the procedure.

Eyelash transplant case study in Manchester
Drs. Asim Shahmalak and Parsa Mohebi performing the operation in Manchester. Photo courtesy of inews.co.uk

For the first time ever, the two doctors used the revolutionary Trivellini Long Hair System to transplant the eyelashes of the patient using the FUE method. At times, the scalp hair of the patient is harvested using a strip procedure for eyelash transplants. However, the doctors were able to perform the procedure more effectively using the FUE method. The patient had sixteen new eyelashes transplanted where she was unable to grow them over the past five years. The transplanted hair grafts were extracted from her scalp.

Looking back on her accident, the patient said, “It was a very unfortunate accident. I ended up splitting my eyelid after a fall when I was out on a night out with friends and one of them tried to pick me up. I had an immediate operation to repair the damage. They stitched up my eyelid but a few days later the stitches fell out and I need further surgery.”

She mentioned how the procedure can benefit others by saying, “I am thrilled to have my eyelashes back. It will be a few months before they grow back properly but then I will have lovely lashes right across my upper eyelid again. I cannot thank the doctors enough and I hope lots of new surgeons will start carrying out the procedure so that more people can benefit.”

According to sources, Itinder Kaur’s eyelash transplant procedure cost £4000 (over $5500 in American dollars). The procedure costs different amounts in multiple parts of the world and it will hopefully become more affordable as more doctors become qualified to perform the operation. In addition, doctors that are qualified to perform the surgery need to spread awareness about the procedure and its potential benefits to attack victims.

This cutting-edge eyelash transplant was covered by many publications, including UK’s metro.co and inews.co.uk. The media coverage brought much needed much attention to this groundbreaking procedure and its potential to help victims who have suffered acid attacks, or other trauma to the eyelashes, and who are unable to grow back their eyelashes.

Eyelash Transplant Before and After Pictures

eyelash transplant before and after
Photo courtesy of inews.co.uk
before and after eyelash transplant surgery
Photo courtesy of Cavendish Press

Give Your Friends And Family The Gift of A Hair Transplant!

Open House at Parsa Mohebi Hair RestorationInterested in having a hair transplant and also have a friend or family member interested in the procedure as well?

We’ve got a treat for both of you at our October Open House on Saturday, October 29th from 3pm-5pm.

Join us at our state of the art hair restoration facility in Encino to learn more about the art of hair restoration in a one-on-one setting. Plus, learn more about our group discount! You can both get a discount on the total cost of your hair transplant procedure as long as you both schedule a procedure within one month of each other. Take advantage of this limited time offer to receive:

  • A 10% discount off your procedure (A value of $500-$1600!)
  • A 10% discount for your friend
  • A free consultation appointment with the Doctor (a $150 value)

Please note that Open House consultations are available on a first come first serve basis the day of the Open House. Depending on the number of patients attending the event, we might not be able to see everyone for a consultation that day. Be sure to arrive at the Open House as early as possible in order to secure your consultation appointment.

Plus, you will be receiving a gift certificate valued at $250 off your next procedure during the Open House. When you combine that with your 10% group discount, there’s never been a better time to afford the hairline of your dreams!

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to meet the doctor and his staff as well as the chance to get all of your questions answered.

To make your reservation, email us your contact information at info@parsamohebi.com. We look forward to meeting you on October 29th at our beautiful office in Encino.

Next Open House Event

Interested in having a hair transplant?  Want to learn more about hair restoration procedures?  Get all of your questions answered at our next Open House Event!

Patient Models

Join us Thursday, October 8th from 5pm-7pm at our state of the art hair restoration facilities in Encino. It’s your chance to learn more about hair restoration in a one-on-one setting.

  • Meet the doctor and his staff
  • Meet and chat with some of our previous patients
  • Watch a live hair transplant procedure in our state of the art medical facility
  • See and touch the kind of results you can expect from our expert, and skilled, staff
  • Get more information as well as take the mystery out of the procedure

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn more about the art of hair transplants.  There’s only so much you can learn from researching information on the Internet.  This is your chance to not only get more information direct from Dr. Mohebi but also from our actual patients.  Learn about the personal journey that led them to the decision to get a hair transplant and why they chose Dr. Mohebi to perform their procedure.

For more information about our open house, and to make your reservation, email us your contact information at info@parsamohebi.com. We look forward to meeting you at our next exciting open house event at our beautiful office in Encino.

RSVP by calling us at 888-302-8747. We look forward to meeting you at our next open house event at our beautiful office in Encino.

Prestigious Center of Excellence Accolade Awarded to Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration

Recognized worldwide as one of the leaders in the science of hair transplant, Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is proud to be the latest recipient of the Center of Excellence Award.  The award signifies that Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is a Center of Clinical Excellence for ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplantation.  This prestigious award is only given to the Top 10 practices in the United States who excel in the art of hair transplant through the use of the ARTAS System.Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration receives the center of excellence awardWe at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration have long been one of the pioneers in making FUE transplants more efficient.  The ARTAS System is one of the most advanced techniques available in the field of FUE hair restoration.  Using a robotic arm to harvest hair from the donor area, ARTAS utilizes computer assistance in harvesting hair follicles for transplantation in patients with male patterned baldness by using the Follicular Unit Extraction method.

There are many advantages of having an r-FUE procedure over a more traditional FUE procedure (such as strip method).  They include reduced harvesting time, greater precision when it comes to harvesting grafts (which minimizes any potential damage to follicles) and increased graft survival.  The combination of the advanced robotic technology and our artistic transplant approach makes r-FUE one of the most effective methods of hair restoration.

The bestowing of the Center of Excellence Award to Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration by Robotic Hair Restoration – ARTAS spotlights our desire to always look to the future of hair transplant science.  According to Dr. Mohebi, “I find myself to be doing more Robot, and for more areas, than was possible before. Robot, I think in the future, is going to continue to grow and continue to perfect its methodology and its precision.”

Join Us for Our 2nd Open House Event

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is hosting its second ever open house for prospective and current patients.  Based on the success of the first open house, the staff at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration thought that another round of meet and greets would be an excellent opportunity for more patients to get to know the Doctor and his staff.

The open house will feature refreshments, socializing, and informative interactions with the medical professionals and the experienced staff of the practice, led by Dr. Parsa Mohebi himself. There will be an opportunity to meet with patient models, who have had their hair transplant procedure performed by Dr. Mohebi.

Dr. Parsa Mohebi's patientsGifts certificates will be presented to guests who attend the open house event. The certificates will be valid for a limited time only, but can be used towards any prospective patient’s future procedure. Dr. Mohebi will have private meetings during the open house, but due to limited time and high volume of participants, he will not be doing full consultations. These preliminary meetings will be to determine if the guest is a candidate for a hair transplant. After that initial meeting, visitors who are deemed candidates are, and will be, encouraged to book a full consultations and evaluations so that Dr. Mohebi can map out each patient’s specific transplant options.

This is an exceptional opportunity for all those who participate. Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration would love to see you there. The entire team would like to forge a long lasting relationship with patients in a collective effort to help make you look and feel better about your hairline every day.

Come join us! It will be a great time!

RSVP by July 6, 2015 through info@parsamohebi.com.

When: July 18, 2015 from 11am to 2pm

Where: 16661 Ventura Blvd. #313 Encino, CA 91436

*All gift certificates presented during our open house event are valid for a limited time only.

Join us for our First Open House Event

Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is hosting its first open house for prospective and current patients. This meet and greet is designed as a thank you for current recipients of our care and as an opportunity for future prospect to become familiar with our team, hear story of our previous patients and learn more about our state of the art hair restoration procedures.

Participants are encouraged to bring their spouses to enjoy a free demonstration of the ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration System and refreshments. The participants will receive a gift certificate towards an ARTAS hair transplant procedure. Dr. Mohebi’s previous patients, and representatives of the Robotic Hair Restoration will also be present to answer any and all of the guest’s questions, as they pertain to hair transplant procedure or the robotic system.

This is an exceptional opportunity for all guests to get to know Dr. Mohebi, as well as our entire team. The open house event is designed to forge a long lasting relationship with patients in a collective effort by the staff of Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration to make you look and feel better about your hairline.

Come join us! It will be a great time!

RSVP through info@parsamohebi.com

When: March 14, 2015 from 11am to 2pm

Where: 16661 Ventura Blvd. #313 Encino, CA 91436

*All gift certificates presented during our open house event are valid for a limited time only.

Introduction of ARTAS to Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration

ARTAS-minIn the last few years, we at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration have monitored the evolution of one of the newest hair restoration technologies available, Robotic Hair Restoration.  The ARTAS system offers a machinery that facilitates the extraction of hair follicles individually and with accuracy from the patient’s scalp.”

ARTAS has made the extraction of FUE grafts automated, but up until recently the speed of which the device extracted these grafts could not match the speed of our manual extractions.  Furthermore, the ARTAS was handicapped by the larger diameter of its punches when compared to manual methods. However, in keeping its promise to advance FUE extraction technology, ARTAS has recently updated their software and hardware, and multiplied their rotation speed from 800 RPMs to 3000 RPMs, improving the speed and efficiency of the procedure.  They have also successfully reduced the size of the punches to 19 Gauge, which is close to the punches that we use in our manual FUE procedures.

These changes have tipped the balance on the scale between ARTAS and non-automated FUEs, making the ARTAS system competitive in comparison to our current, manual techniques.  ARTAS can produce higher quality grafts in some areas of the scalp when compared to other methods of follicular unit extraction.  That is why we have decided to add this innovative device to our arsenal here, at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration.  We will be working on utilizing the ARTAS system and Robotic Hair Restoration techniques to add to the quality and efficiency of our FUE treatments.  We will also be collaborating with ARTAS and other centers to fine-tune the process, making robotic hair transplant even more efficient in the future.

We believe that ARTAS will continue to make progress in the field of hair restoration and make hair transplant surgeries safer and more dynamic in the future.



CONTEST Q’s: Who Can Enter?

We are excited that the contest is open to enroll, and we are excited to receive your video entries!

People have asked us whether there is any limitations for the contest, or whether the contest is open only to people who never had a hair transplant.  The answer is simple:  Whoever is a good candidates for a hair transplant can participate.

Everyone can participate: men and women, previous transplant patients and people who’ve never had one before, younger and older. Additionally, we will be providing either the traditional strip FUT method of hair transplant, or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), depending upon the contest winner’s needs and what works best for him/her. Best of luck with your entries!

To enter, submit a video explaining why you should have the free transplant to our Facebook page. Entries should be no longer than five (5) minutes. The contest will be open until January 16, 2015, and the winner will be announced January 23, 2015.