CONTEST Q’s: Who Can Enter?
We are excited that the contest is open to enroll, and we are excited to receive your video entries!
People have asked us whether there is any limitations for the contest, or whether the contest is open only to people who never had a hair transplant. The answer is simple: Whoever is a good candidates for a hair transplant can participate.
Everyone can participate: men and women, previous transplant patients and people who’ve never had one before, younger and older. Additionally, we will be providing either the traditional strip FUT method of hair transplant, or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), depending upon the contest winner’s needs and what works best for him/her. Best of luck with your entries!
To enter, submit a video explaining why you should have the free transplant to our Facebook page. Entries should be no longer than five (5) minutes. The contest will be open until January 16, 2015, and the winner will be announced January 23, 2015.
Your Top 3 Questions about Eyebrow Replacement Surgery, Answered
When you think of hair loss, you probably think of thinning on the scalp. There’s good reason for this: By the time they’re 50, 85% of men experience significant thinning of the hair, and about 35 million men in the United States are currently suffering from male pattern baldness.
But there are many reasons for thinning hair, including genetic reasons inherited from either parent, as well as medical conditions such as alopecia. Some of these, as well as overzealous plucking or scarring, can cause hair loss in the eyebrows, as well as at the hairline. And with full brows in vogue, both women and men are turning to hair transplants for fuller, perfectly sculpted brows.
How Is Eyebrow Restoration Surgery Performed?
Eyebrow restoration uses the same hair transplant procedures as those used to rectify receding hairlines. Strip harvesting or follicular unit extraction is used to take hairs from a donor site and then graft them in the desired area. These hairs fall out soon after the surgery, but the follicle then begins to produce new hairs. This new hair will then continue to grow naturally (in fact, it will grow faster than regular eyebrow hair and will require trimming).
Who Is a Good Candidate for Eyebrow Restoration Surgery?
Eyebrow surgery for men or women can restore hair lost for many reasons. There are several common causes that might cause you to seek out surgery:
- If you were born with very thin or no eyebrows
- If you have overplucked your eyebrows, due to past fashion trends or a psychological disorder that causes you to compulsively pull out eyebrow hairs
- If you have a medical condition that causes hair loss, such as alopecia areata or thyroid conditions
Keep in mind that if you do have a medical or psychological condition that’s contributing to hair loss, you shouldn’t look at hair replacement options until the condition is under control.
What Is the Cost of Eyebrow Restoration?
It’s impossible to determine an exact cost without specific details, but the U.S. average is between $3,000 and $8,000. The cost of eyebrow restoration depends both on the method of harvesting and the number of grafts needed. Most facilities offer promotions and can arrange for financing, either directly or through a financial institution. Part of what makes these costs worth it is that hair transplantation is a permanent solution, unlike topical hair growth medications or makeup that is applied daily, and looks completely natural since it uses your own hair.
If you have any other questions about eyebrow transplant procedures, from the cost of eyebrow restoration to the effects, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments or contact a doctor directly.
Your Top 3 Questions About FUE, Answered
About two-thirds of men experience some hair loss by the time they’re 35, and 90% of balding men say that hair loss is their top concern. With numbers like those, it’s no surprise that 800,000 people seek hair loss treatments every year.
There are many treatment types, including hair replacement options done via surgery, scalp pigmentation, laser hair growth stimulation and even topical applications. Some are more successful than others, and not all patients are good candidates for all methods. But if you’re investigating any or all of your hair restoration options, one term you’re likely to come across is FUE.
How Do FUE Procedures Work?
FUE stands for follicular unit extraction, and is one method used to harvest hair from a donor site on the patient’s body and then transplant it to the desired hair (often the front of the hairline). Usually, donor hair is located at the back and sides of the scalp, although beard and torso hair can be used under certain circumstances. As opposed to the strip harvesting method used in traditional transplants, in FUE procedures the surgeon makes a circular incision around each follicular unit and extracts it, which leaves a small hole in the scalp. These donor follicular units are then grafted into what are called “recipient sites” that have been prepared with a small, needle-like instruments. These grafts continue to grow and produce hair. Some of the best doctors offering the procedure actually use robotic systems in order to deliver a more precise result.
What Are the Benefits of FUE?
The greatest benefit of FUE over other hair restoration methods is that the results aren’t simply an illusion, as in pigmentation options or even high-end custom wigs; it’s your own hair, growing naturally. The results of hair transplantation are basically the same regardless of the harvesting method, but FUE causes fewer concerns at the donor site than strip harvesting. The wounds at each extraction site are only 1 millimeter in diameter and generally heal completely in a little over a week. The scars are tiny, covered by surrounding hair and therefore virtually invisible.
Who Is a Good Candidate for FUE?
Because of the discreet nature of the scarring left on the donor area, FUE is a good option for men who want to be able to wear their hair short in the back. A shorter recovery time may also appeal to men who need to get back to strenuous activities in a short period of time (it’s important to note, however, that the procedure requires the area to be shaved, which might be a cosmetic concern for men with high-profile jobs). FUE procedures are also commonly recommended for patients who have had trouble healing from a previous hair transplant using traditional strip harvesting, or to disguise scars from previous surgeries.
What other questions do you have about FUE? Ask in the comments.
Italian Society of Hair Restoration Meeting
I just came back from the meeting of the Italian Society of Hair Restoration in the beautiful city of Syracuse in Sicily, Italy. I was one of the invited faculties from the U.S. that had the opportunity to present 3 lectures on hair restoration technology.
My first lecture was about the Laxometer and its applications for hair restoration surgery. My second lecture was on an advanced method for wound closure known as Partial Trichophytic Closure and how it is used to minimize the appearance of strip scars after a hair transplant. My final lecture was about the latest techniques for improving FUE hair transplant efficiency, all of which we successfully applied at our Southern California hair restoration centers. My presentation on FUE efficiency was well received and led to an interesting discussion after the meeting. Several of the leading hair transplant surgeons informed me that they will be using the FUE method I presented exclusively to achieve higher quality FUE grafts.
At the end of the meeting, I received an award for Excellence in Hair Restoration. I appreciate Dr. Franco Buttafarro, President of the Italian Society of hair restoration, for organizing the event and dinner party along with Dr. Pietro Lorenzetti, who is due to take over as president of the Italian Society in the coming year.
During this trip, I also had a chance to visit the City of Rome, The Vatican, the ruins of ancient Rome, and the city of Pompeii. I was amazed by the beauties of Italy and the amazing history of The Roman Empire. I look forward to the future Italian meeting of Hair Restoration and for another chance to meet up with my new friends in this great society.
Celebrity FUE Transplant is Gaining Popularity
The Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant is a hair restoration procedure that doesn’t require any shaving, which perfectly fits the life style of celebrities. That is the reason why we decided to name this procedure Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant, however just because the name includes celebrity, it does not need to be limited to celebrities.
Since the introduction of the Celebrity FUE Hair Transplant back in 2012, we have done many of them which led us to have a better understanding of the more efficient ways of doing a FUE hair transplant in the last few years.
The combination of the above two has improved the quality and quantities of FUE grafts that could be transplanted in one session from 500 grafts to over 1500 now.
I am glad to announce that FUE patients who are interested in the Celebrity or non-shaved FUE hair transplant can now receive twice as much grafts as before while they still keep the option of having longer hair.
Brazilian Congress of Hair Restoration – May 2014
May 21st to 25th 2014 – Maresias, Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
I had the pleasure and honor of being a part of the invited faculties for the 5th Brazilian Congress of Hair restoration in Maresias, Brazil. Prior to the meeting, I spent a few days in Sao Paulo and visited the offices of two of my good friends, fine Brazilian hair transplant surgeons Dr. Ricardo Lemos and Dr. Antonio Ruston. I have learned several great things from these doctors that I will use in my day to day practice back in LA.
Brazilians are considered the inventors of hair transplantation with long hair. They have surgical techniques which differ from other countries that are favored for a variety of reasons. One of these techniques is the stick and place, the process in which the hair transplant surgeon and hair technician work closely to make sites and place grafts at practically the same time. I enjoyed observing how these two doctors were able to achieve their results using these specialized techniques. It is always insightful to see how other experienced hair transplant surgeon perform their procedures.
The meeting in Maresias has been a great experience. Maresias with its tropical climate is having some of the most beautiful beaches in Brazil and South America. My presentation was on my novel method to approach donor closure in FUT procedures through partial trichophytic closure. The technicalities and advantages of this method were reviewed during the meeting. The meeting had other interesting presentations on a variety of hair transplant techniques that were invented and are heavily practiced in Brazil by most Brazilian hair transplant surgeons. Some of these special techniques are not usually performed in America, even though they have
proven to be quite effective treatments. They are:
- Long hair transplantation
- Stick and place hair transplantation
- Performing hair restoration surgery in hospital setting unlike U.S.
- Strip popularity vs. FUE transplantation. FUE hair transplant is done very minimally in Brazil for a variety of socio-environmental reasons.
In addition to the general seminar, we had one of our regional meetings of the FUE Research Committee (FRC) of ISHRS where we discussed the progress of our initial FUE research comparing the long term growth rates of FUE and Strip.
Prestigious Hair Loss Organizations Recognize Dr. Parsa Mohebi
Doctor Parsa Mohebi, world renowned hair transplant surgeon, has been officially recognized by two of the most prestigious hair loss organizations for his work in hair transplantation. The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgery, a popular consumer advocate organization, recommended the doctor for his contributions, an honor previously bestowed to hair transplant surgeons whose work helped advance the field of hair restoration.
Dr. Mohebi was also recognized by The American Hair Loss Association, whose mission is to provide enough resources and support for those who have hair loss. His outstanding work utilizing the latest techniques has helped thousands with advanced stages of hair loss, while his research helped others look for and find the best treatment. America’s longest running reality radio show for men, “The Bald Truth”, recently endorsed Dr. Mohebi during their program for his contributions as one of the leading hair surgeons in Southern California.
You can read more about Dr. Parsa Mohebi at his official website, where you can read about his many satisfied patients. Dr. Mohebi also keeps a regular blog, which contains the latest information based on his research as chairman of the FUE Research Committee.
Dr. Mohebi is now a FISHR!
Did you think since Dr. Mohebi ran the LA Marathon, he now has a new hobby? Fishing! That was what I thought when I first heard it. The reality is Dr. Mohebi has added one new title to his earned titles, FISHRS (Fellow of International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery). Dr. Mohebi along with only 60 other hair transplant surgeons worldwide have made up the first class of fellows for ISHRS. Along with having the American Board of Hair Restoration (ABHRS) certificate, he had to serve in a leadership position, as well as write scientific papers and educate through different scientific programs in order to qualify for this title.
Dr. Mohebi, the first chairman of the FUE Research Committee of ISHRS, has given various lectures in a variety of medical scientific meetings, presenting new techniques and innovative advanced devices in hair restoration. He has been an active member of ISHRS since 2006 and is honored to receive this title. Dr. Mohebi looks forward to working with his colleagues in order to further educate other professionals about the new advancements in the field of hair restoration.