Prestigious Hair Loss Organizations Recognize Dr. Parsa Mohebi
Doctor Parsa Mohebi, world renowned hair transplant surgeon, has been officially recognized by two of the most prestigious hair loss organizations for his work in hair transplantation. The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgery, a popular consumer advocate organization, recommended the doctor for his contributions, an honor previously bestowed to hair transplant surgeons whose work helped advance the field of hair restoration.
Dr. Mohebi was also recognized by The American Hair Loss Association, whose mission is to provide enough resources and support for those who have hair loss. His outstanding work utilizing the latest techniques has helped thousands with advanced stages of hair loss, while his research helped others look for and find the best treatment. America’s longest running reality radio show for men, “The Bald Truth”, recently endorsed Dr. Mohebi during their program for his contributions as one of the leading hair surgeons in Southern California.
You can read more about Dr. Parsa Mohebi at his official website, where you can read about his many satisfied patients. Dr. Mohebi also keeps a regular blog, which contains the latest information based on his research as chairman of the FUE Research Committee.
Medical Technician Training for Hair Transplant Surgery
The Value of Hair Transplant Medical Technicians
Hair transplant technicians are an integral and important part of the operation in hair transplant surgeries. Therefore properly trained hair technician plays an important role in hair restoration results.
At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration we utilize a well designed system in which we train our hair technicians. Our hair technicians are selected by a discerning level of criteria:
* A high level of personal ethics
* Initially demonstrate a natural level of strong hand eye coordination
* General training as medical or surgical assistant
* Further training as hair transplant technician — is provided in our office for more junior technicians.
Hair Transplant Technician Selection
After a vigorous selection process our technicians must complete Parsa Mohebi Hair Restorations custom designed Hair Technicians Training Program. Our technicians complete intense period of training under the direct tutelage and supervision of medical director Dr. Parsa Mohebi. This training includes:
* lectures
* surgical observation
* demonstration high level of skills on synthetic hair and laboratory models
* compliance of surgical techniques and standards
At each level technicians must show proper improvement and competency prior to moving to the next level of training. We do not allow technicians to work on actual patients before they demonstrate proper skills and above satisfactory completion of our training program.
Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration Hair Technician Training Program
During this program each technician first learns how to cut and place grafts on synthetic hair and scalp at the next level the hair technician candidates’ advance to working and mastering their skills Bovine skin which is close enough to human hair orientation for laboratory purposes and skill development.
Laboratory conditions replicate the hours of actual surgery. During this time future hair technicians for US Hair Restoration spend hours cutting and implanting bovine hair grafts. This training improves their hand eye coordination until they reach a level of competency to assist in an actual hair transplant surgery.
Advancement to Hair Transplant Surgical Procedures
Upon successful completion of all necessary lecture series and hands on training our hair technicians receive approval from the medical director to working in the operating room under supervision of a senior hair restoration technician.
When hair transplant technicians are properly trained they will demonstrate their abilities and skills by passing the written and oral examinations. After demonstrating that they are capable of working to the high standards of Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, they graduate as hair transplant technicians. Recently graduated hair transplant technicians continue to be supervised to improve their skills. They also are required to participate in internal educational series, as well as, and external hair transplant seminars that are designed for hair technicians.
We are proud to announce that Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration is ready to train technicians for other centers that need to have highly trained technicians for their hair restoration services.
Addressing the Challenge of Scalp Scars
Parsa Mohebi, MD
Since the advent of hair transplant surgery, hair transplant surgeons have been challenged to address the scarring that is inevitable from the donor wound in strip hair transplants. Other types of scalp surgeries such as neurological surgeries can also leave linear type scars in the scalp.
In addition trauma to the head can leave a person with unwanted scar. A patient’s natural hair coverage can obscure the visibility of a scar in most cases. However, proximity to a patient’s hairline and or wearing the hair too short can make a scar more obvious.
A hair transplant surgeon can easily repair or camouflage most scalp scars. The variations in a scar shape, location and size are key factors affecting the techniques that a surgeon will use in the revisioning of the scar. The singular and most important purpose of the scar revisioning is to obscure or minimize its appearance to the naked eye. Scar revisioning is not merely cosmetic. Disfigurement from scarring often affects a person’s sense of well being and self worth. Do to the inherent nature of the work they do cosmetic surgeons are at the forefront of minimizing the appearance of scars. We have developed an algorithm utilized in hair restoration and other surgical cosmetic practices that effectively meets the challenge of scarring from these procedures. Many of the same techniques are also employed in addressing scalp scarring from trauma and scalp surgical procedures.
Medical excellence is predicated on examination. Physically examining the scar is essential in determining what proportion of scar visibility is due to stretching, hypertrophic reaction and or hair transaction.
A scar that is wider than expected gives evidence that some level of stretching has occurred. Skin that is stretched typically has a contrasting color to neighboring skin. Minimizing this contrast is one of the key approaches to reducing this type of scar. Hair transplant surgeon can reduce the contrast by bringing hair inside the scar by a variety of techniques to minimize the contrast between the hair bearing scalp and non-hair bearing scar. That is done through placing follicular unit grafts with FUE procedure or by performing trichophytic closure on one or both edges of a scalp scar. Many people may need more than one hair transplant into their scalp to improve the reduction in visibility of the scar.
Every cosmetic surgeon should be familiar and knowledgeable about the cosmetic products or non-medical methods that could be used to improve scars. When managing a scalp scar, we always consider and discuss with the patients the role of a variety of techniques that might be used solely or in conjunction with surgical procedures for further improving appearance of scars. Some of these are; microfibers, foundations, and coloring agents for skin and hair or tattooing of scalp.
If you are suffering from a scalp scar, you need to find a good hair transplant surgeon with plenty of experience with treatment of scalp scars. A simple consultation would make the overall plan clear. The plan may include a surgical procedure, using cosmetics for hair and scalp and hair style changes.
The Webinar Series Continues!
Reframing the Face With Hair Transplant Surgery – Webinar by Dr. Mohebi
Join us, yet again Medical Director Parsa Mohebi, MD as he discusses popular hair loss topics. So often we receive phone calls and email inquiries regarding common questions people have about the art and science of hair restoration and how it can affect them and their personal situations. Here are the most recent topics discussed by Dr. Mohebi at our recent webinar:
Most people are not aware of the rule of thirds and how facial symmetry affects ones appearance. In this lecture, Dr. Mohebi discusses the importance of choosing a good hair line to achieve the proper facial symmetry.
FUE Transplantation vs. Strip Method
I wanted to get more information like FUE transplantation vs. strip hair transplant. I have been doing a lot of reading. How do you know if one is best and using a FOX test? I like the idea of the FUE but hear many claims that it is not good. However, I am not a big fan of getting a piece of my skin taken off. There is so much different information. Also all the normal questions that come with the procedure. I hope to hear from you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this,
That is a great question! I realize that there is a large amount of conflicting information on the Internet, especially relating to new technology and surgical techniques.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method we use to remove hair follicular units individually rather than taking a strip of the scalp and dissecting it into follicular units.
Simply looking at the facts, there are many hair restoration centers which may market one method as being supperior to the other for the cold truth they are capable of performing it. They may lean towards recommending one particular procedure over the other for money making purposes.
If performed correctly, the FUE transplantation is a great solution for some hair loss sufferers, especially those with minimum hair loss or those avoiding a scar on their scalp. We also use FUE for people who suffer from significant pain or donor complications with previous strip procedure, and those with a violated donor area for which removing more hair through strip is impossible.
With that said, most hair transplant surgeries are done through the strip method for many reasons:
- Strip hair transplantation gives liberty to the surgeon to maximize the quality and viability of the hair follicles. We anticipate some number between 1-5% as the highest for a trans-section of hair follicles (damaged follicles) in microscopic strip hair transplantation. This rate of success is because all the grafts are harvested under 3-D magnifications using stereotactic microscopes.
- In FUE cases, patients may have a high trans-section rate and some of the transplanted hair may never grow into healthy hair. The trans-section rate might be very low in most people, with an average of 0 to 10%. However, in some people it might be significantly higher based on the hair’s characteristics. The FOX test is a procedure that should be done for some patients with curly or wavy hair. The FOX test can determine the patients who are not good candidates for an FUE procedure. It is basically a small FUE transplant that determines the levels of a trans-section to the hair follicles in the process of extracting them.
- In an FUE transplantation, we may harvest up to 1500 in one session. Sessions larger than that keep hair grafts outside the body for a long period of time that may jeopardize the grafts’ survival.
- Today, we have many methods, such as trichophytic closure to minimize the visibility of the hair transplant donor scar in strip methods.
- The cost of FUE is higher since it is more labor intensive and requires more specialized artistic skill.
If you are considering to have a FUE transplant, I highly recommend having an evaluation by a hair transplant surgeon who is skilled in both FUE transplantation and strip method before you decide which procedure is right for you. A qualified hair transplant surgeon can discuss all your options so you can make an informed decision about how to restore your hiar.
Hair Transplant Technician Skills and Quality Control
It seems to me that successful outcomes can, to a substantial degree, rely on the technicians handling the hair follicles. How do you measure your technicians skills?
We have a great quality control system at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in which every technician is monitored during cutting and placing. We also have surveillance cameras in the OR to record the entire procedure for quality control. We hire only highly qualified hair transplant technicians. We still need to provide some special training to assure they can function according to Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration standards. We hold regular educational meeting for hair transplant techs to keep them all up to date on current procedures as well as Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration quality expectations.
Check this post on my blog: Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration – Hiring Qualified Hair Transplant Technicians for more information on quality of hair transplant technicians.
Covering Newly Transplanted Hair After Hair Restoration
Dr. Mohebi, I have already made an appointment for hair transplant surgery on Wed April 20th per your recommendations and paid the deposit. If you don’t mind I have a quick question.
Do you think it’s realistic for me to see patients on Monday following my procedure? I have clinic that day and OR the next (will need to wear surgical cap), is this okay in the week following?
Because we will be transplanting a large number of hairs in the frontal area of your scalp, we expect significant swelling until day 4-5 after surgery. Occasionally patients may experience swelling until day 6-7, but your surgical cap use is okay and should easily cover it.
In addition, some patients occassionally get swelling and bruising around their eyes (which may be difficult to cover). Probability of bruising/swelling around the eyes is minimal but its possibility should still be notated.