Layer Shaving before FUE Hair Transplant
When it comes to a hair transplant, many people do not want to have the procedure because they don’t want to shave their head and lose what it left of their hair. Dr. Mohebi is able to give patients that have a sufficient amount of hair left on their scalp the option of not completely shaving their head. Layer shaving before FUE transplant is an option for patients with hair that is long enough to lift up over the certain portion of the scalp where the hair grafts will be placed during FUE hair transplant.
After the treated area is shaved and the hair grafts are placed in the scalp, the hair that was lifted is combed downward so it covers the area where the hair grafts were placed in the scalp during the hair transplant procedure. Layer shaving before FUE covers the hair grafts to the point where the average person is not able to tell that any kind of hair restoration procedure took place. The staff of Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, with hair restoration centers in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills and San Francisco, shows you how layer shaving before FUE works in this informative and educational behind the scenes video.