He Won The Super Bowl – Can He Beat Hair Loss?

Tom Brady is still living a charmed life as an NFL quarterback. He moved from the New England Patriots to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and is in the NFL playoffs with another chance to go to the Super Bowl. After his last game, he stood on the field looking very much like a football player with an athletic build and a perfect head of hair. Tom Brady’s hair has been a subject of speculation for many years and starts with looked to be a loss in the battle against hair loss.

Did Tom Brady have a hair transplant

Tom Brady Hairline Issues

Looking at Tom Brady’s life from the outside, he seems to be living the good life:

  • A successful NFL career
  • Hot supermodel wife
  • Adoring fans

There have been a few stumbles along the way (Deflategate and Super Bowl losses) but, in general, Tom Brady has been very blessed in his life.

One area where Tom becomes more like us mere mortals is his hairline. Maybe that should be phrased “his lack of a hairline”. There has been some speculation for many years that Tom Brady has been losing his hair and has even undergone a hair transplant.  Neither Tom nor his wife have confirmed this news. However, there have been conflicting reports over the years about Tom Brady and his receding hairline.

Here are just some of the stories surrounding Tom’s head:

  1. The first sign that Tom was losing his hair was when he started to wear his ever present cap. Tom was seen wearing this pom pom hat on the field, in the locker room and even at press conferences. Some people might see the hat as nothing more than a fashion statement where he is supporting his team. Others view it as a sign that Brady was losing his hair and didn’t want that fact to become public knowledge.

Tom Brady Hair Loss

  1. Back in 2010, it was also reported that Brady’s car was seen outside the office of Leonard Hair Transplant Associates in Rhode Island. There is a theory that Tom was being a good guy and was just giving a friend a lift. There is also the likely explanation that he was consulting with the staff about his own hair. Did Tom get some work done that day or was he simply discussing his hair restoration options?
  2. Following the 2010 “Rhode Island incident”, as well as a 2008 visit to a hair restoration clinic, Tom Brady’s hair has gone through a number of styles over the years. His hairstyle has ranged from being close cut to a head full of long locks and even a period where Tom had a shaggy style. Tom’s hair has been a changing work of art. It has been reported that Tom had thinning hair on his scalp along with a bald spot that his wife was desperate to prevent from getting out of control. It has also been speculated that his wife made Tom Brady get hair plugs to stop his hair loss.

Unfortunately, all of the above stories, sightings and gossip are pure speculation. Tom’s father was bald so many experts feel that Brady is also worried about being bald at some point in the future. Until Brady himself decides that it is time to speak publicly on the matter, the truth behind Tom Brady’s ever-changing hairline will not be known by the public. Until then, fans of Tom Brady should enjoy the current look of Brady’s hair because it could just as easily look like the picture below without the help of experienced medical experts.

Hair loss Tom Brady