Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia – DUPA

Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA)The hair loss condition known as Diffuse Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA) is a condition that is characterized by the appearance of hair thinning being seen in a diffuse pattern throughout the scalp.  In DUPA, there is not a reserved area with good quality hair that can be found on the scalp of the patient. Even the typical donor area that can normally be found on the back and sides of the scalp are not found with this hair loss condition.

A microscopic evaluation of the scalp of a patient generally shows significant miniaturization (fineness) of scalp hair diffusely. DUPA is not typically seen in only one gender and can found in both male and female patients. The female version of DUPA can sometimes be identified incorrectly as typical female patterned baldness due to the close similarities between the two conditions.

A thorough medical evaluation, along with the appropriate supporting lab work to rule out other causes of diffuse hair loss, is always warranted before determining the eligibility of a person for a hair restoration procedure.

Can a Hair Transplant be performed for a person with DUPA?

Hair transplant surgery is generally not considered to be a good option for many people who have DUPA due to the overall instability of the scalp hair that is located on the back and side areas of the scalp.  Many people who suffer from DUPA may also suffer from other medical conditions that can result in hair loss such as iron deficiency, thyroid or other hormonal imbalances or autoimmune disorders.  Patients that are suffering from DUPA should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor that can examine the patient and provide medical treatment options that will be helpful in the management of this condition.

– MA