Concerns Regarding Shock Loss After Hair Transplant

Hello Dr. Mohebi,
I had a hair transplant surgery in the past and I am now considering having an additional hair restoration surgery. After my previous surgery with another doctor, I experienced a good deal of shock loss on my scalp.
The fact that this happened makes me a bit skeptical about having another procedure but I know I need an additional surgery to maintain the image I have now.
I will admit that I am a little confused about the shock loss I suffered after my earlier surgery. Is this a normal occurrence or did something go wrong on my scalp? Did I not properly take care of the hair grafts during the post-op recovery period?
Basically, why is shock loss such a problem? I look forward to your answer.
Thank you for the question.
Yes, shock loss is a common occurrence after a hair transplant is performed on a patient.
In general, shock loss is an accelerated amount of hair loss following any stressful event. The stress that is experienced by a person might be the result of either emotional or physical trauma. The performance of a Los Angles hair transplant procedure, or hair restoration performed elsewhere in the country, is no exception.
Shock loss after a hair transplant surgery was not an uncommon issue for patients in the past. However, with the advanced medical treatment that is available today, shock loss can be significantly reduced or even eliminated. Using prescription medication around the time of your hair transplant can inhibit or minimize the overall risk of shock loss. The ability to greatly reduce the chance of shock loss is why this treatment is currently being used by most hair transplant surgeons across the country.
At Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, most of our patients start the hair transplant process by following a prescribed medication plan that begins several days before their hair transplant surgery. It will be necessary for them to continue the prescription medication intake plan for around six to eight months after their procedure to help minimize the overall impact that shock loss has on their recovery period. The combination of prescribed medications and surgical hair restoration provides our patients with natural, permanent and proven results.
Thank you for your question. If you would like to discuss the possibility of an additional hair transplant in further detail, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment.
– MA