Hair Transplant with Delayed Growth
The growth cycle of hair follicles differs between each individual. For that reason, transplanted hair grafts also may not follow a universal pattern. We generally schedule follow up visits for our hair transplant patients on the day 1, day 10, month 5 and month 10 following their hair transplant surgery. Our five month follow up is to make sure patients are having a smooth early growth without any problems or complications. In most cases, early growth is seen at five months post op. In some people who started growing hair earlier we may even see something close to their final result. However, we have had some cases that we did not see impressive results at month five and patients experienced delayed growth of their transplanted grafts following the procedure.

Most of these patients do not have anything wrong with their transplanted hair and will only have to be more patient with their hair growth. We bring all hair transplant patients back in month 10 after their surgery and the results at that time are much better. This group of patients may see their final result more than 10 months from the time of their hair transplant and it may take 12 to 18 months to see full result. If the results are still poor at month 10, more diagnostic tests such as a scalp biopsy may be needed to rule out other causes of hair loss that might have been involved with the growth of their transplanted hair.