Did You Know Some Illnesses Can Cause Hair Loss?
A large number of people suffering from hair loss think the main cause of the condition is genetics. While genetics does play a part in hair loss, it is not the only reason a person might be suffering from a lack of hair on their scalp. Here are three illnesses that can result in hair loss:
Crohn’s Disease – This disease is a severe inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Along with other inflammatory bowel diseases, Crohn’s can result in hair loss because it limits the absorption of essential nutrients through the area known as the gut. Vitamins and nutrients are absorbed through the gut wall in a healthy person so they can be delivered around the body. Crohn’s prevents the absorption from happening, which can cause hair follicles to stop the regeneration process and move into a shedding phase. Fortunately, the hair loss caused by Crohn’s will reverse once the disease goes into remission.
- Thyroid Disease – Both over-active and under-active thyroids can cause hair loss. The thyroid is a glad located in the neck that creates and releases hormones in the body. The hair loss occurs due to the changing levels of hormones in the body having an impact on the natural cycle of the hair follicles.
- Scalp Infections – There are some infections that can attack the skin as well as the hair on the scalp and result in hair loss and scaly patches. A good example of a scalp infection that does this is ringworm. However, once the infection causing the hair loss is treated, the hair generally grows back.
Patients who think their hair loss might be the result of a disease or an infection should schedule a consultation with a board-certified doctor. The physician will perform a thorough examination and determine the cause of the hair loss as well as the best method of treating and restoring the hair.