Multiplication of Hair by Dividing Hair Stem Cells. Is it possible?


Hello this is a hot topic on . And I see from your website that you commented on it. I have been around the internet sites since 2000. And I know one rule of thumb if something works and is a consistent viable technique past patients that had the procedure would be coming on and talking about and be willing to show their results even in person.

It  was like that when FUE was first introduced to the internet the ht community did not think it was a viable solution to hair loss! Well I know some different since I had the procedure done in 2003 that was after going to seminars interviwing past patients and seeing them live in person. And look how many clinics offer it today So my question to you is why has this not happened with Dr. Ghos new technique being talked about in 2010???

I know back in 2003 he did not have anything viable even know there was much talk then. Just reporting my experinces and wanting your opinion since it is posted on your website.




Over the last decade, hair stem cell research has improved and our understanding of the growth, cycling and death of hair follicles has definitely increased more noticeably in the last few years.  There are several centers in the world that actively pursue hair stem cell research for different purposes including producing new hair follicles, nervous system cells and so on. The fact is  that despite of all the improvements we have had in last few years, we still do not have a perfect model for hair multiplication through culturing hair stem cells in vitro.

The previously leading institute for hair stem cell research was Intercytex, but they ended their efforts last year due to some difficulties which were not quite disclosed to public. We have been and still are involved in several clinical and laboratory studies in regards to hair stem cells and hair multiplications through the splitting of hair follicles.

In one study that we performed in Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration, we divided the hair follicles vertically by micro-dissection techniques and implanted the two halves into normal skin.  We have not noticed significant growth out of any of these pieces.  Several other studies were done with the focus on splitting hair follicles horizontally, which is easier to perform with mixed result.  We at US Hair Restoration are collaborating in hair stem cell research with the Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles with emphasis on culturing one of the two different type of follicular stem cells.  The goal is to use the newly produced stem cells to grow new hair in vitro or in vivo.  The speed of growing and multiplication of follicular stem cells has been extremely slow which has been one of the problems we faced while using hair stem cell culture as one alternative method for medical hair restoration.

Dr. Gho’s presentation claimed that with monitoring and improving the techniques of the preservation’s medium, instruments and handling of the grafts, we might be able to improve the viability of the transplanted hair follicles. While this concept is interesting, in order to prove the validity of this claim we will need more evidence based documentation. They came up with a special method that claimed to preserve the hair follicles without affecting the characteristics of the hairs in the donor area, and thus presumed it was possible to get more viable hair from the limited permanent hair follicles of each person. They called this technique “Hair Stem cell Transplantation®” and announced that it may represent the very first patient friendly method to multiply hair follicles while still preserving the donor area.

I would like to believe claims of this kind, because I more than anyone understand the challenge of treating patients who do not have the adequate number of donor hairs for their ideal hair restoration.  However, I would rather wait to see more significant scientific proofs to claims of this kind before I consider them as viable options for the treatment of patterned hair loss.