SMP-HT Combination Procedure to Hair Restoration
Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) is a relatively new approach to minimize the appearance of baldness or to revise the appearance of scalp scars. One of the great indications of SMP is to help hair loss sufferers, who do not have enough hair to cover their entire head or the ones that have very fine hair. In these situations, despite the fact that we can restore a large area of the scalp, we might not be able to achieve maximum density. When patients have very fine hair the final bulk of hair that could be seen after hair transplant would be minimal. These patients may minimize the visibility of their scalp through hair by combining a SMP with a hair transplant procedure. SMP can successfully create the illusion of fullness in these patients.

Who needs it?
Patients who had hair transplants with older strip techniques and require a revision to add more hair or patients who need to minimize the visibility of scar are great candidates for the SMP-HT combined procedure. SMP could be done in 3 sessions and each may take 3 hours. At the end, the patient can minimize the contrast between the balding areas and his or her existing hair which increase the illusion of having hair. The cost of SMP is much lower than a hair transplant procedure. However, SMP may fade over time and the patients may require touch up in the future.
How do I start?
Please schedule a consultation in our office if you think you are a candidate for this new procedure. Call us at 1-888-302-8747. We will evaluate you thoroughly and discuss all options that are available to you based on your donor hair, hair-skin contrast and your individual needs.