Orlando Surgical Workshop for Hair Transplant Surgeons
I have not been answering any questions in our hair restoration blog for a few days because I am in Florida as one of the invited faculties in the hair restorat… Read More
I have not been answering any questions in our hair restoration blog for a few days because I am in Florida as one of the invited faculties in the hair restorat… Read More
It is about 8:00 Pm and we just finished performing a big FUE procedure and I thought I write this post on, a patient who is a candidate for FUE procedure‚ be… Read More
Searching for the best Los Angeles hair transplant surgeon may not be an easy task, but Los Angeles has always been a referral center for most cosmetic surgerie… Read More
Dr. Parsa Mohebi has been having a series of professional talks on radio and TV on hair loss and available treatment options including medical and surgical with… Read More
Los Angeles hair transplant surgeons and hair transplant centers; how do they compare with hair restorations surgeons of the other cities or countries? Los Ange… Read More